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About Us

TurfCare NZ was established in 2009, and following 15 years of fantastic service and growth the business was purchased by Turf and Drainage Ltd, an Auckland based company specialising in real turf.


Due to its reputation and outstanding service across a range of applications, Turf and Drainage expanded into the renovation and care of artificial grass across New Zealand and the Pacific region.

In 2009, TurfCare NZ Ltd was dedicated to synthetic sports surface maintenance researching worldwide for best practice, ultimately settling on the UK approach which has similar climatic conditions and maintenance issues. We imported our first dedicated artificial maintenance machinery from there.

Aided by some great connections in the tennis world together with an approached based on exceeding customer expectations through excellence, we have built a thriving business which continues to grow today.

Over the past decade, experience has taught us that no two courts or turf are alike and invariably different approaches are required.

Our belief is in retaining our existing customers first while building capacity for new.


Our greatest thrill is seeing a court or turf transformed and sharing that with our customers.

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